It was drizling this morning when we woke up so we didn’t explore the area around the Lake Tutira camp. Continue reading Tongoio Falls and Napier
Lake Tutira
The seal on the back road to Napier ends soon after the Glenfalls camp, so it was a dusty drive, made worse by the occasional logging truck that made me careful to keep well to the left on the numerous blind corners. Continue reading Lake Tutira
Glenfalls Camp Mohaka River
We spent the first night of our Christmas 2014 trip at Reid’s Farm, just before Taupo. Because it is free, it was pretty crowded, especially in the nicer areas with views of the Waikato.
Continue reading Glenfalls Camp Mohaka River
Mangatawhiri River Track
Running from the junction of State Highway 2 and Lyons Rd to State Highway 1 at Mercer, this track is part of the Te Araroa Trail.
Broken Hills
Just over a century ago, there was a gold mining town called Puketui beside the Tairua River, off the Kopu – Hikuai road at the base of the Coromandel peninsular.
Waikowhai to Onehunga Bay
We intended to head west when we set off around the coast from Waikowhai Bay this morning, but as we rounded Cape Horn we discovered a moderate SW wind and the incoming tide were making it tough going.
Ngawha Springs and Wairere Boulders
When Felicity told me she was planning to fly to Whangarei last Friday, I suggested that she forfeit her ticket and drive up with me in the campervan instead.
Fairy Falls
I’ve walked to Fairy Falls several times before, but always in mid summer, so there has never been as much water coming down as there was this weekend.
Kauri Point
If there are any Kauri left at Kauri Point we saw no sign of them. There were lots of healthy Pohutakawa and other native trees, so we enjoyed our walk anyway,
Continue reading Kauri Point
Athenree Hot Springs
We spent Friday night at the Athenree camp ground, and enjoyed a soak in their attractive hot pool. A local artist has made a series of beautiful mosaic panels on the pool fence, depicting local bird life.
Continue reading Athenree Hot Springs
Orokawa and Homunga Bays
At the north end of Waihi Beach a track heads up the cliff into the bush. It is benched and almost wide enough for a vehicle, so presumably it was built for horse traffic at one time.
Continue reading Orokawa and Homunga Bays
Fairhaven Walk
The Fairhaven Walk along the Weiti river would be better described as a “bush bash”, so it probably wasn’t the best choice of adventures on a damp morning.
Whites Beach
Only a week into spring, yesterday’s blue sky and warm sun made us think summer is just around the corner. We packed our lunch, pulled on our boots and headed out to north Piha to walk up the coast.
Tapakapanga and Miranda
Our choice to head south in our campervan for the weekend seems to have been a good one, judging by reports of flooding up north.
Continue reading Tapakapanga and Miranda
Coast to coast walkway
One section of the Te Araroa trail that we have always wanted to walk runs from downtown Auckland to Onehunga. Yesterday we decided that we would do it properly by parking in Devonport and catching the ferry to the city.
Matakana by kayak
A full tide just before midday today meant that we were able to fulfil an ambition to kayak up to the Matakana market for lunch.
Hakarimata and Waingaro
Judith had her last teenage party at our house on Saturday night, so Felicity and I decided it would be a good idea to be far, far away.
Continue reading Hakarimata and Waingaro
We have just returned from our first night away in the new campervan.
Continue reading Maungakawa
Tanote Bay Ko Tao
The last two days of our Thai holiday have been at a dive resort on “Turtle Island”. While we haven’t seen any turtles yet, the marine life on the reef in front of the hotel is fantastic.
Continue reading Tanote Bay Ko Tao
Ko Wua Talap
On Monday, the van taking us to the ferry picked us up at 7.30AM, before the hotel restaurant opened. We assumed we would be able to buy food at the pier, but we were driven directly to the boat and herded straight on board along with about 60 other tourists.