We arrived in Minginui quite early, so we asked our hostess at the Whirinaki Forest Holidays lodge to drop us at the end of the 16km Whirinaki track and pick us up two hours later.
Continue reading Whirinaki Track
Tag: trail
Royal Albany with James
This evening I went for a bike ride with my son James, down at the Royal Albany Bicycle Reserve.
Drain man strikes again
I spent this morning working on the Royal Albany Bicycle Trail.
Whitford Forest – Wairoa River
Rode another new trail today with Kerry, out past Whitford.
Ambury Park to Stonefields at sunset
I took my bike for a ride around the Manukau after I dropped Felicity and Judith at the airport this evening.
Waharau – Whakatawhi Ridge
This afternoon I went for a new ride at Waharau Regional Park.
Continue reading Waharau – Whakatawhi Ridge
Proposed new track 18 is way cool
Took my bike out to Riverhead yesterday to check out what the West Coast Riders Club have been up to in their block of forest.
Continue reading Proposed new track 18 is way cool
RIP Spaghetti
Yesterday I rode a bunch of Woodhill trails for what might be the last time. Next week the loggers arrive to harvest the pine trees. The bike park hopes to be able to repair the tracks afterwards, but they will be out in the open for quite a few years; the sandy surface will dry out faster and be less fun to ride.
Royal Albany Ride to test drains
After installing several new drains on the bike track last week, I was keen to test them out.
Continue reading Royal Albany Ride to test drains
Deer at Connifer Grove office
I surprised two wild deer as I arrived at the Connifer Grove picnic area in Woodhill Forest this morning. Bikes travel fairly quietly, so I was only a hundred metres or so away before they bounded off. A normal height wire fence didn’t even slow them down!
My first berm
After dropping Judith at school this morning, I ducked into the bush behind Massey University to put the finishing touches on the berm I have been making on the Royal Albany Bicycle Trail.
Unsworth Cycleway
Leaving my car parked at the Warehouse, I headed off on foot up the Albany highway and down Bush road to Rosedale Park. On the far side of the park is the start of the cycle way.