Hey , Potter and Goodyear-smith , Hello . we continue to be impressed by youse fellas . all that exploring and getting youselves into such exotic locations , having such a great time . then there is the energy john puts into his blog . much more than i could do . do hope your writing has a wide readership , it certainly deserves it . photographically you get some v, acceptable images but we suggest you keep working on your compositional technique i.e placing of your subject within the viewfinder . i guess i need to further explain myself when we all/both can see them on the screen . meanwhile keep up the good work and keep practising . thank you for all the entrtainment . Chairs , johnmiller .
Hey , Potter and Goodyear-smith , Hello .
we continue to be impressed by youse fellas . all that exploring and getting youselves into such exotic locations , having such a great time .
then there is the energy john puts into his blog . much more than i could do . do hope your writing has a wide readership , it certainly deserves it .
photographically you get some v, acceptable images but we suggest you keep working on your compositional technique i.e placing of your subject within the viewfinder . i guess i need to further explain myself when we
all/both can see them on the screen . meanwhile keep up the good work and keep practising .
thank you for all the entrtainment . Chairs , johnmiller .