This afternoon I went for a new ride at Waharau Regional Park.
Continue reading Waharau – Whakatawhi Ridge
Tag: beach
Afternoon at Murawai
I’ve just returned home from a very pleasant outing to the West coast, where Ian Thomsen was celebrating his 60th birthday. Judith went early in the morning to work as a kitchen slave, but we arrived at midday, just as the BBQ was being lit.
We didn’t even manage two of the five whole beef fillets, but it was an excellent feed. I was sure glad I went for a run this morning.
After eating, everyone except the serious drinkers went for a walk on the beach. I enjoyed catching up with Elaine, recently returned from nearly four years in London.
A brief shower of rain encouraged us to turn back, but by the end of the beach it seemed sunny again, so we climbed the steps to see the gannets. A much heavier shower saw most of the group heading for home, but I stayed for a while with Murray watching the birds.