Puketutu Island

After negotiating the purchase of a new campervan this morning, we went for a walk around the shore of the Manukau.

We parked at the carpark on Oruarangi Rd and started back towards the city then across to the causeway.  When we reached Puketutu, we carefully avoided the locked carpark and security fencing with notices saying “track closed”, and walked on the muddy beach and up a creek until we got to the road.

There was no sign of the “urgent maintenance work” that the notice we didn’t pass would have informed us if we had seen it.

Out at the point, we took the first two photos. The Manukau Heads are in the distance behind me, and the Otanearua Stonefields are behind Felicity, looking the opposite direction.

The final photo is when we were nearly back to the car, looking back towards the island where we’ve just been.

One thought on “Puketutu Island”

  1. hello ! we thank you for taking us on the short walk about on puketutu island .
    but we didn’t see any of the images of the new (?) camper van . new as in just v, recently made
    or just new to our whanau
    just as long as you enjoy it

    hooray , john miller .

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